Dear Kakra,
I thank God for your life!
Some months ago, I wrote to you concerning a friend of mine, whose ex-wife was giving him a hell of a time. The situation was so bad, and the court was not helping much. There was so much injustice going on, and it was heart-breaking.
In fact, it got to a point our lawyer even wanted to put the law into his own hands just so my friend would be relieved.
In the midst of all the chaos, I remembered a testimony you read in church some time ago, about a guy who was found guilty about something and was later set free by the power of God after you prayed for him.
It was at this point that I sent in the mail, and you replied that you had prayed for him and that God, who rules the affairs of men, would intervene and cause justice to prevail.
Indeed, God has done it! The tables have now turned and things are much better.
We give God all the glory!