Victor Obeng-Mensah | Kakra Baiden

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Author: Victor Obeng-Mensah

Going Beyond Your Limits!

“Yea, they turned back and tempted God, and limited the Holy One of Israel.” Psa. 78:41 It is possible to limit the things God wants to do in your life. Many times, we have the tendency to think we have to cajole and beg God in order to go beyond our present circumstances. It could be financial, healing, a dream, anointing, or something else. This scripture makes us understand that Israel could not inherit the Promised Land. They limited what God could do for them. How did they do that? First, they tempted Him. This means they murmured and complained when they faced difficulties and problems. This resulted logically in the next step. Secondly, they turned back. This means they turned away from the plan and promises of God. Because of this, they could not be what God wanted them to be. Many have limited God in times of difficulty, lack, and problems by murmuring and abandoning His promises. Remember to guard your mouth and stick to the promises of God even in tough and difficult times and watch yourself break all records and go beyond all limits. Kakra...

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Favour At My Work Place!

Dear Prophet, I wrote to you in the month of June requesting for prayers for my elder brother, who was to attend an interview in his current company. You replied and said you have prayed for him. Prophet, I say to the glory of God that my brother was selected among the likes of his two assistant managers with little qualification. The most interesting aspect it that, my brother who was once paid ghc400.000 a month will now receive over ghc2000. As if that is not enough, he has been given a brand new “tear rubber” pickup and an amount of money for accommodation. Prophet, as I write to you, my family is overjoyed. My mum says she can’t wait to sit in that car. I bless God for giving you to the body of Christ, and for using you to affect destinies.  May He use you more for greater...

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Do You Want To Excel?

The word “excellence” means to be superior. What does it take to excel in marriage, school, as a Christian or financially? King Solomon exceeded all the kings of the earth. How did he do that? “So king Solomon exceeded all the kings of the earth for riches and for wisdom. And all the earth sought to Solomon, to hear His wisdom, which God had put in his heart.” 1 Kings 10:23-24 If you are going to excel in any field, one of the things that you will need is wisdom. This particular wisdom is not the wisdom of men of this world or that of the princes of this world. By this, I mean “common sense” or wisdom acquired through secular or formal education. These have their place, but this is not the wisdom we are talking about. We are talking about wisdom from God. There are two things I want you to notice about the wisdom of God. First, it is produced by the heart, not the mind. Secondly, God has to put it on your heart. Do you have something on your heart? You may be pregnant with the wisdom of God. Learn to listen to your heart because “heart wisdom” leads to excellence! Kakra...

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Favour At My Work Place!

Dear Prophet, I wrote to you in the month of June requesting for prayers for my elder brother, who was to attend an interview in his current company. You replied and said you have prayed for him. Prophet, I say to the glory of God that my brother was selected among the likes of his two assistant managers with little qualification. The most interesting aspect it that, my brother who was once paid ghc400.000 a month will now receive over ghc2000. As if that is not enough, he has been given a brand new “tear rubber” pickup and an amount of money for accommodation. Prophet, as I write to you, my family is overjoyed. My mum says she can’t wait to sit in that car. I bless God for giving you to the body of Christ, and for using you to affect destinies.  May He use you more for greater...

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“For there stood by me this night the angel of God, whose I am, and whom I serve.” Acts 27:23 If you are a thief, who and where you steal from is very important. For example, you cannot steal a DVD player from the White House. Why? Because it is owned by the President of the USA. If it were owned by an ordinary man, probably you could do it. In the same way, no one can touch what God owns. Some time ago, a money lender lent some amount of money to someone. Unfortunately, his debtor fell sick. The money lender, who was scared his debtor was going to die, came to see me for prayers so his debtor will not die. The man said, “I have shares in his body; he can’t die!” He had a personal interest in the man! If a money lender seeks the welfare of his debtors, you can imagine the level of interest God has in those who serve Him. When God develops a personal interest in you, there shall no evil come to your dwelling place! God cannot afford it; you are too valuable to be left alone. Because Paul was serving God, He delivered him from the storm Choose to serve God today, and He will protect you like he protected Paul! Kakra...

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