Dear Kakra,
Praise be to our God! I asked you to pray for me concerning my pregnancy which the doctor recommended a surgery because the fetus was outside my uterus. You prayed for me and assured me that God will do it.
The hospital detained me that day and gave me drips. I told the doctor there was nothing wrong with me and I want to go home but he refused.  On the hospital bed, I called on my Redeemer to redeem me. I also prayed that the drips they were giving me should be transformed into the blood of Jesus to move the fetus from wherever they claim it was in my womb. In the evening, they brought me a surgery consent form to sign to remove the fetus from my tube. I asked the nurse, “Will you do another scan before the surgery?”, she said yes.
I went in for another scan with a different doctor, and behold, the fetus was now in my uterus! Glory be to our Father in heaven for this miracle. God bless you