“For consider him that endureth such contradictions of sinners against himself, lest ye.   be wearied and faint in your minds.” Hebrews 12:3

Has it not caught your attention that anytime you want to move forward, something opposes you? I am happy to inform you that it is normal. Winners know this for sure.

Every move you make, every step you take, from being a Christian to a student, a married woman or man, we are all surrounded by opposition. That is why we must not allow room for excuses. An excuse is an outlet for the mind to escape opposition.

I have come to realize that everything you claim is impossible to do, people have excelled in doing them. If you did not know before, I am happy to inform you that opposition is normal. So quit being a failure and opt for the top.

Decide today to prepare yourself for any opposition that may come your way.

Kakra Baiden