Do you want to be great? I mean great in the sight of the Lord? Jesus is a great man by all standards; both naturally and spiritually. He has influenced human history, changed the spiritual destiny of man, and opened the gates of heaven to many. How did He achieve greatness?
Isaiah 53:12
“Therefore will I divide him a portion with the great, and he shall divide the spoil with the strong;because he hath poured out his soul unto death:and he was numbered with the transgressors; and he bare the sin of many,and made intercession for the transgressors.”
This prophecy states two things He would achieve. He would have His portion with “the great,” and divide the spoil or booty of war with “the strong.” This means He would be resourced.
How did He achieve this? The answer is found in the word “because”; which means for this reason. What are they?
1. He poured out His soul.
He was selfless. Selflessness is a key to greatness.
2. He was numbered with transgressors.
Sacrifice is key if you want to excel at anything.
3. He bore the sin of many.
Service is important. He impacted and served many.
4. He made intercession.
He was prayerful and spiritual.
Do you want to be great? Be prayerful, selfless, sacrificial and serve many!
Kakra Baiden