There are people who jump classes in school because they were found to be too clever to be in a particular class. Some are even jumped twice because they are considered extra smart.
You can jump a class in school but in the “school of the Holy Spirit” you cannot jump a class and it does not matter who you are. You may be privileged to avoid certain challenges because of your family background or experience but eventually, God will test you and repeat you till you pass the class. Men can promote you beyond your real level, but God will always bring you back to your real class.
Judges 3:1
“Now these are the nations which the Lord left, to prove Israel by them, even as many of Israel as had not known all the wars of Canaan.”
Most of the Israelites perished in the wilderness under Moses because they failed the faith test. Their children inherited the promises but God still left some nations to prove or test them because they did not write “the wilderness exam”. God said you cannot jump this class.
You may be a pastor’s kid, inherit a church or get something you did not work for but remember that with God, you cannot jump a class. Eventually, you will have to write and pass your own test. Get ready!
Kakra Baiden