Numbers 17:5
“And it shall come to pass, [that] the man’s rod, whom I shall choose, shall blossom: and I will make to cease from me the murmurings of the children of Israel, whereby they murmur against you.”

What makes one person flourish or blossom, and another fail; in ministry, business, marriage and life in general? One secret is God’s choices!

In the book of Numbers, there was a dispute in leadership as to who God had chosen. God asked the leaders to put rods or branches of trees before Him. Overnight, Aaron’s rod had produced fruit and blossomed. Why? Because God had chosen him!

Our choices must not be based on what we feel like doing, or what we think is okay, or what we are capable of doing. We must do only what God chooses and it will flourish. You will always succeed in God’s choices.

Make godly choices by first obeying scripture and then obeying the Holy Spirit and watch yourself fly high. The added bonus is excellence! It will silence your critics and the murmuring will cease in the congregation.

Kakra Baiden