2 Kings 4:13
“What is to be done for thee? wouldest thou be spoken for to the king, or to the captain of the host?”

There are times in life when the problems we face cannot be solved by our political connections or “the king.” They can also not be solved by the “captain of the host,” or human might, be it mental, financial, or physical.

In this story Elisha asked a woman who had been kind to him what he could do for her. Her problem was, however, beyond human power; only God could solve it. She wanted a child.

Have you ever been in a situation where only God could help you? I have.

Recently, there was something important I had to do. All the influential people I knew wouldn’t and couldn’t help. After all human effort failed, I said to myself, “I better speak to God about this.” I prayed and within an hour the impossible became possible.

When the king and the captain of the host fail to help, remember, God can help you.

Let’s pray. Lord, I ask for the impossible to become possible, in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Expect your miracle!

Kakra Baiden

This devotional is an excerpt from one of Kakra Baiden’s Six Energy Drink Books.

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