Dear Prophet,

I sent you an email requesting for prayer to be awarded a full scholarship for my PhD and a full time job when I’m done with my Master’s degree so that my beloved and I could get married.You replied that you had prayed for me. Indeed, the Lord is good and His mercies endureth forever. I got the PhD studentship after your prayer. This is how it happened—

I went for the interview and was called the following day that even though I was good, I was the second best because the person they awarded it to had a social science background in addition to the health background which I had. This was not even a requirement on the advert. I knew this PhD was meant for me so I did not relent. I cried that day but I gave thanks to God and praised Him. After that I told God the exact scripture you sent me. also used the scripture which says the Lord will restore whatever the locust, caterpillar etc had eaten. I asked God to arise in His terror and anger.  

Prophet, you won’t believe this. I was called on again that the person they awarded the PhD to rejected the offer. I was given the award. Hahahahaha. God is good. Thanks so much for your prayers and encouragement. God richly bless you. Whatever the enemy has stolen from you and your family will be resorted in Jesus Mighty name. Amen.