Dear Prophet,

I write to you with much joy in my heart, because the God of possibilities has done it again! 

I wrote to you last year about how l lost my baby a few days after birth. As if that was not enough, I had a negative report about my genotype. You replied with an encouragement and also prayed for my husband and m

I took seed again in 2016 and wrote to you once more and you prayed for me. 

Praise be to our Lord and King, I have given birth to a healthy and adorable baby girl, who is four months old now.

Again, I wrote to you in November last year concerning my husband, who was denied all his benefits at his workplace. He attempted to speak with his boss about it but he totally disagreed. You replied and prayed for him. He went a second time to his boss and without a struggle, his boss agreed to give him all his benefits. As I write to you now, he is enjoying all he deserves.

I can’t thank God enough for the wondrous things He has done and is still doing for my family. I pray for more oil upon your lifeMay Hcontinue to protect and bless you beyond measure!