Dear Kakra,
I thank God I met you on Facebook.
I have been participating in the Turning Point Service online since I was on maternity leave. Each time you prayed for pregnant women, I tapped into it for safe delivery.
This is my third pregnancy and I had a very difficult time with the previous two. Whenever my time was due and my water broke, I would go through sever labour pains for between 8-9 hours before the baby arrives. To top it all, they give me epidural in order to have strength to push later on.
But to God be the glory, this third pregnancy was different. I still can’t believe how I gave birth to my third child. My water broke around 10pm and I called my husband from his work. I got the other two children ready to go to my friend’s house so my husband and I could drive to the hospital. The pain was not so much so I could even plate my daughter’s hair before my husband got home. We live on the second floor but I was able to descend alone on the staircase. When I reached the car, I couldn’t lift my legs from the ground so my husband helped me. Since the hospital is just about 15 minutes away, I knew it couldn’t get worse.
I pulled the front chair backwards and relaxed on it since the pain was getting severe. I said in my mind that, the first thing I will do is to ask for epidural when I reach the hospital.
On the way, I realised the baby’s head was coming out. My husband saw me pushing and begged me not to push and I told him to just focus and drive as fast as he could. The more I tried not to push, the more the baby came on her own. When we reached the hospital, the baby’s body has fully come out and she was on my laps.
I thank God for my daughter’s life. I gave birth to her in our car and I had no epidural; I had no tear. The Holy Spirit was my gynaecologist. I gave birth to a bouncy baby girl at 1 am on June 1st.
God bless you for your live broadcast because I am in Belgium and I also benefit from what God is doing through you.
May God increase your anointing in Jesus mighty name, Amen!