Victor Obeng-Mensah | Kakra Baiden

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Author: Victor Obeng-Mensah

Selective Memory

Numbers 11:5-6 “We remember the fish, which we did eat in Egypt freely; the cucumbers, and the melons, and the leeks, and the onions, and the garlick: But now our soul is dried away: there is nothing at all, beside this manna, before our eyes.” When God rescued Israel from bondage they encountered a few problems on the way to the promised land but it could not be compared with the bondage of slavery.  They even complained about the free meal “manna” from heaven. They started to reminisce about the food in Egypt minus the hardships. Sometimes, the devil can give us a selective memory. He can magnify the few problems we have above the many blessings we enjoy. He can make you remember some few pleasurable moments you had when you were in the world and mask all the hardships and pain you endured as an unbeliever. He can make you remember a few passionate moments you had with an ex and delete all the character flaws and mistreatment you suffered and make you forget what a wonderful spouse God has blessed you with.  He can make you remember a few bad aspects of your job and make you forget how blessed you are to have this wonderful job. He can emphasize the poor grades of your children and make you forget some people even do not have....

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A Miraculous Job Offer!

Dear Prophet, Praise the Lord! In February this year, I requested for prayer to get a job in the city where my husband had been living since 2008. You prayed a short prayer and said I would get a job. A month later, thus in March, I got a call from an international company enquiring if I still had an interest in a job interview I had attended. Prophet, I was given the job as the Team Leader for West Africa and the office is based in the city where my husband is. Not only that, it came with a very frightening compensation.  I have now joined my husband and the family is grateful to God. I thank God for your life and I thank you for allowing yourself to be an instrument that God is using to bless...

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Do You Trust God?

“Some [trust] in chariots, and some in horses: but we will remember the name of the Lord our God.” Psalm 20:7 Where your trust lies is usually revealed in a time of crisis. For example, chariots are needed in a war situation. It could also be a marital, financial or an office crisis. Spiritual things are difficult to measure. For instance, how can you tell whether your trust is in God, chariots or horses? “Horses” represent every created or natural thing like people, personal skills, abilities etc. “Chariots” represent every man-made thing, like companies, money, computers etc. In times of crisis, what or who you remember, or seek help from is indicative of where your trust lies. Let us learn to put our trust in God and His Word, and we will be safe! Kakra...

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Brother Delivered From Drug Addiction!

Hello Prophet, All glory and honour be to our God most high! I am ever grateful to you for allowing God to use you to answer my prayers.  I sent you a message a few weeks back concerning my university graduate brother, who had become addicted to drugs for the past ten years, and the pain and strain it had on my family as a result. You replied and said you had prayed for him. Prophet, your prayers have been answered and my brother has found a job today. Hallelujah! It is our prayer that he would be completely delivered from this addiction and stay in this job until he retires.  Please, paste this testimony on Facebook for others to be encouraged. It’s been ten long years, but God finally wiped our tears. Nothing will remain the same forever. It may tarry but shall surely come to pass. I can’t thank you enough. May God in Heaven bless you and enlarge your territory. May He lift your ministry to...

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Manifestation of Jesus!

The word manifest means to make visible to the natural senses. The five senses are seeing, hearing, touching, tasting and smelling. Jesus died some two thousand years ago but it’s possible for him to manifest himself tangibly to your senses. The Holy Spirit is invisible but he can use his servants to manifest himself to you. God has used me to heal many. Just last week, God used me to heal someone with a hole in heart. The way you receive the servants of God can determine whether he manifests himself to you or not. Matthew 23:39 “For I say unto you, Ye shall not see me henceforth, till ye shall say, Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord.” Jesus told his disciples how we can experience his manifest presence after his death. The first is; how we see his servants. We must see his servants as his representatives. They come “in the name of the Lord.” Not their own name. The second is a positive confession. Confession is an expression of faith. We should confess or say;“Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.” By doing so we recognize that his ministers carry a blessing. Are you ready to see the wonders of God? Recognize his servants and have a good confession. Kakra...

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