Dear Kakra, 

I am a mother of 4 daughters with 3 miscarriages in between and I was tired of trying for a son. Out of the blue, when it shouldn’t have been possible, I got pregnant again for the 8th time. I was depressed because I didn’t want another child if it would be a girl.

3 weeks ago, I was watching the Turning Point Service online. When you read the testimonies, I was encouraged. I prayed that as I was going for an anomaly scan in 7 days, the report would be that it is a boy. When you said to the congregation that you would be reading their testimonies the following week, I had strong faith that it would be my story too.

At the same time, my last daughter’s speech had been delayed for her age, which was unusual compared to my other kids. 

I also prayed that within that same week, her speech would be restored.

I am pleased to inform you that when I went for the scan, I saw something that I had never seen in multiple scans for my multiple pregnancies. It is indeed a boy!

Also, my last daughter can’t be quiet now. She repeats everything you say, Twi or English! All within one week, and it is improves every single day. 

It is so amazing! We indeed serve a great God! All glory be unto His Holy name!